Healthcare is a difficult subject for Americans. It is causing a great deal of consternation among Americans, as the change in the Affordable Care Act either has detractors or people who believe this change will work. There is a certain political climate to be sure but it comes down to basics: Will those in need have healthcare?
There are many conditions that require more comprehensive healthcare coverage than others. Cancer, for instance, requires a great deal of treatment and often expensive drugs that are specialty drugs, meaning they cost a great deal more under insurance plans. Insurance works the same way in healthcare as in other industries.
For instance, in the auto insurance industry, premiums are based on a pool of people, some of which are high risk and others who are low risk. The high risk people in the pool may get more traffic tickets or get into low accidents. But their premiums are balanced against the low risk pool, who are people who would get into fewer accidents.
Healthcare works the same way. People who do not get sick often can select plans with lower premiums. People who have are more likely to develop illnesses (smokers) or those with pre-existing conditions are likely to get insurance plans with higher premiums that have more comprehensive coverage. The premiums balance themselves out.
But still, many of those with serious conditions are facing a quandary with the current situation in the Affordable Care Act. It is likely that some of those who are “low risk” will opt out of the healthcare marketplace, destabilizing the marketplace and leaving those who are “high risk” to pay for more expensive premiums.
There are many people with serious conditions who will be affected by this. There are statistics that show just how many Americans have serious health conditions. The statistics also include feelings about wellness and physical appearance. These statistics are included in the following section.
- The U.S. has the highest rates of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease: 87% of older Americans report at least one chronic illness, and 68% reported two or more. (The Commonwealth Fund, 2014)
- Today, more than two-thirds of all health care costs are for treating chronic illnesses. Among health care costs for older Americans, 95% are for chronic diseases. (The State of Aging and Health in America 2013)
- Although both are largely preventable through vaccination, flu and pneumonia represent the 7th leading cause of death among U.S. adults aged 65 years or older. (The State of Aging and Health in America 2013)
- Mammography screening every 2 years for women aged 65?74 has been shown to reduce breast cancer-related deaths. (The State of Aging and Health in America 2013)
- One in seven baby boomers (14%) say they are currently being treated for depression, which is a higher rate than among other generations of American adults. (Gallup, 2015)
- Two-thirds (66%) of Americans aged 65 and older “agreed” or “strongly agreed” that they always feel good about their physical appearance, compared with 61% of 18- to 34-year-olds. (Gallup, 2014)
- Holidays such as Thanksgiving (68%), Independence Day (67%) and Christmas (63%) were the days when Americans were most likely to say they experienced happiness and enjoyment without a lot of stress and worry. (Gallup, 2015)
Dealing with cancer is a heart breaking and difficult situation. Dealing with cancer requires a patient to be willing to undergo treatment. They may be tough or they may be strong; but they need to be persistent to live. Dealing with cancer can bring out the best in people. Some of the most inspirational people in the world are dealing with cancer.
There are many terms associated with healthcare, insurance, and dealing with cancer. They include Medicare health insurance company, Medicare supplement insurance options, Medicare supplement, Medicare supplement insurance in Louisiana, Medicare supplement insurance in Texas, Medicare supplement insurance options in Arizona, and more.
There are options for insurance in different locations. While most Americans are in the Healthcare.gov and Affordable Care Act, there are some who are offered health insurance through their employers or have sought out health insurance offered by the state. There are different options for different people.
One of the main components of healthcare in the Affordable Care Act is that insurance companies are prohibited from excluding people with pre-existing conditions.