When you see a highway car crash on TV, it usually looks a lot different than it does in real life. The picture-perfect streamlined response to a highway car crash in the media glosses over all the little details of dealing with one in the real world. Whether you’ve just gotten into an automobile accident or you’re trying to advise a friend on how to handle the situation, having the proper response is key. In this article, we’ll cover the best ways to respond to an automobile accident on the highway.
Understanding Your Coverage Under Insurance
If you are the one who’s gotten into a car crash, checking your insurance coverage should be one of your first priorities. After taking a look at your car, your passengers, and yourself to assess potential damage and calling emergency personnel to the scene, calling your insurance company to review your policy should be at the top of your agenda. Your auto insurance policy probably has certain limits that dictate how much the policy covers damages, liability, and more.
Like most people, you most likely don’t have these numbers at the top of your mind. Looking over your insurance policy and calling your insurance agent can help you make sense of what expenses may be eligible for coverage or reimbursement. Additionally, you’ll want to look into the process for filing claims so that you get all of the necessary paperwork and information turned in to your insurance company on time.
Seeking Legal Guidance
If you’ve ever seen commercials for a car accident attorney in your area, you might have an idea of potential lawyers to call. Even if you believe that the accident was fully the fault of the other party, seeking legal guidance is a necessary step to protect yourself and know your rights in this situation.
When looking for a car accident attorney, you should consider a few different factors. Firstly, make sure that they practice within your state and are qualified to help you. Secondly, you’ll want to ask questions about what their rates are for consultation, services, and related expenses. Many lawyers offer free consultations, so you can interview multiple attorneys before settling on one without breaking the bank in most cases.
Choosing The Best Wheel Repair
Since the wheels are frequently affected in a highway car crash, finding the right car wheel repair company to fix the wheels is a must. Whether you have aluminum wheels, alloy wheels, or your wheels are made of some other material, opting for a wheel repair service that specializes in your type of wheel matters. When narrowing down your options, you should think about how much you can budget for the wheel repair, what materials make up your wheels, and how far you’re willing to travel to get the job done. This will help you choose the right wheel repair place for you.
Restoring Privacy and Protection
During a highway car crash, your car window tinting may have been affected. Since privacy and protection matter to many drivers on the road, restoring this sense of security as soon as possible can also restore your sense of normalcy in your vehicle. You can work with an auto detailing service or auto repair shop to tint your windows to your liking.
In some cases, you may also be able to find window tinting materials and install them on your own. Just be sure that your windows are tinted appropriately according to local laws. If your windows are too dark, you might enjoy the privacy for a while, but you’ll also put yourself at risk of getting in legal trouble.
Fixing Your Broken Glass
Because glass is so delicate, it tends to crack and shatter under the impact of a highway crash. Since recovering from a car crash can be financially draining, cutting corners where you can is a good strategy for saving money in this process. Every dollar that you can save while you’re repairing your car can go into other parts of recovering from an auto accident, such as seeking legal counsel.
Instead of splurging on the most expensive vehicle glass, we recommend scoring the most affordable vehicle glass you can find. This may mean taking more time to call different vehicle glass companies and repair shops, but the time you invest will be worth the money you save. Since it’s a common issue, you should have several options for fixing your broken glass at different price points. If you go with the least expensive option within reason, your bank account will thank you. What’s more, you’ll be able to put your insurance coverage funds for repairs towards other more pressing items.
When you choose to use affordable materials, it’s still worth investigating the quality of the materials before committing to using them. There’s a happy middle ground between being frugal and choosing materials that will last. Still, if all you care about is saving money in the short term, then you can deal with the long-term consequences of going with inexpensive materials later. In the wake of a car accident, getting your car ready to go back on the road for the lowest price is what counts.
Regaining Access
After a car crash, simply having access to your vehicle can feel like a luxury that you need to appreciate more. Replacing your old key fob with a new key fob will be important if doors or other areas that require a key were damaged during an accident. When you can get into your vehicle again, it can feel like a little piece of your life is given back. Replacing your key fob at the dealer can be a little pricey, so make sure to include replacing keys in your budget for repairing your vehicle. It’s a small item, but it’s crucial to drive and access your vehicle.
Restoring Your Vehicle’s Beauty
While the appearance of your vehicle may be the last thing on your mind after a car accident, an auto collision repair technician understands that this is an important part of restoring a sense of normalcy after an accident. When your car looks as wonderful as it did before the accident – or better – you may find that it’s easier to start healing from the accident. Driving around a car that looks like it’s recently been in an accident can be upsetting and even embarrassing. While it can take time to detail your vehicle and beautify it after an accident, focusing on the looks on top of the function of the car can help with recovering from an accident.
Some ways to restore the appearance of your vehicle include smoothing dents, repainting the exterior, and replacing interior upholstery. Adding little items that make your vehicle feel personalized, such as your favorite scented air freshener or a steering wheel cover in your preferred pattern can go a long way in making your car feel like it’s truly yours again. When you get into an accident, you might feel anxious driving after the incident. Having little things that restore your confidence while on the road, such as a comforting dashboard decoration might sound silly. Even so, it’s good to have fun with your car and reflect your personal style in the way that it looks.
Finding Transportation Alternative
If your car has been totaled after a highway car crash, or it’s in the shop for a long period of time, it may be time to find another set of wheels to use in the meantime. Searching your area for a used car for sale on the internet or in person can be an affordable solution to your transportation problem. If your car is only in the shop temporarily and should be usable after the repairs are done, you might be able to get away with using a rental car until the repairs are finished. While this can be very pricey as a long-term solution, it can be easy and affordable over a short stretch of time. Your insurance company may also be able to reimburse you for these costs depending on your policy.
On the other hand, if it could take months for your mechanic to complete all of the necessary repairs, finding a used car might be your best option. When looking for a used car, you’ll want to inspect the car before agreeing to buy it and take it for a test drive. Ideally, if you can bring a mechanic with you to look at the prospective car, you’ll have a higher chance of choosing a car that’s good to drive.
When it comes to buying used items, it’s important to use common sense. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Unfortunately, some used car sales establishments have great prices for cars. The last thing you want after experiencing a car crash is to drive your used car off the lot and discover that it’s a dud. This can be expensive to repair and leave you back where you started without transportation. Doing your research and only buying a vehicle from used car sales establishments you trust is key. Additionally, if you have a family member or friend who’s selling a used car, that can feel safer than buying from a random stranger off the internet.
Outside of buying a used car, you can look into rental cars, carpooling, or even public transit. If you live in a city or town with good public transit, you might be able to get away with not having a car for a while. If it’s summertime, a bike can be a good way to get around cheaply while you’re waiting for your car to get fixed. Of course, if you live in the middle of nowhere, you might find that your transportation options are limited. If you need a car and can’t afford a rental, an affordable used car might be your only option until your old car is repaired.
Getting Quick Assistance
In a highway car crash, calling vehicle recovery services as soon as possible ensures that you’ll get help in a timely manner. Even if your car seems like it has minimal damage from the accident, you’ll want to get help as soon as you can. While it might look okay on the outside and still drive normally, there may be issues that lie beneath the surface.
Getting help after a highway car crash is an overwhelming process. For this reason, many folks like to put off getting help or even avoid getting help at all after it happens. Although it might be tempting to pretend nothing happened, you’ll want to seek out speedy assistance after the accident. This is because you might find that problems crop up in the days and weeks after the accident. If you get help immediately, you’ll have an easier time getting coverage and reimbursement for expenses related to repairs.
Cleaning Up The Scene
As you’ve probably seen on TV, cleaning up the scene of a highway car crash can be a messy job. This is why getting a qualified tow truck company to take your vehicle to the repair shop is a vital step in the process. When you call the tow truck company, ask about their rates and how far they’re willing to tow your truck. Additionally, you’ll want to see if your AAA membership or insurance covers towing expenses in the event of an accident. Once you’ve towed your vehicle away, you’ll need to figure out how you’ll get home. Depending on how much damage occurred, there might be a lot of glass and debris around the area. Your local police department may also partner with specific towing companies to help clean up the area after a car crash.
When you speak with emergency personnel after a highway car crash, you should get a clearer picture of how the scene will get cleaned up. Leave it to the professionals, since they’ll have protective gear that will keep them from getting cut with sharp edges and properly preserve evidence.
While a highway car crash can make it feel like your whole world crashed down, healing happens. As you move forward, follow the above steps to cover all your bases. Take it one step at a time and you’ll be able to enjoy the road again soon.