If you are thinking about purchase a new vehicle, you may be very interested in some of these car buying statistics. According to some studies, there are some frustrations for people during the car buying process including working with sales people and finding just the right vehicle.
One of the most interesting car buying statistics says that about 73 percent of people wish that car prices were fixed because they really do not like having to negotiate the price of a new car. Salespeople also come into play with car buying statistics that say 81 percent of people are less likely to buy from an aggressive sales person.
About 52 percent of people actually do not know what kind of car they want to purchase when they visit a dealership. Another of the interesting car buying statistics say that 48 percent of buyers spend between one and three months shopping different vehicles before actually making a purchase.
Car buying statistics also say that 31 percent of purchases only look at new cars, while 59 percent will consider both new or used autos. About 83 percent of potential car buyers are researching cars online before actually visiting a dealership. Many people also look at car safety articles, car industry statistics, car safety devices information and more before purchasing.
Car buying statistics from around that world state that the highest number of new vehicle registrations for the month of September 2013 were in China. During the same month, new vehicle registrations in Japan rose by one fifth. Car buying statistics also indicate that approximately 66 percent of people are thinking about purchasing a hybrid vehicle. Interestingly, 43 percent of people state that they are loyal to a certain car brand, usually a car that they had purchased before. When purchasing a new car, approximately 90 percent of potential car buyers will bring along someone else during the shopping phase.
These car buying statistics and car safety statistics can help you when you are purchasing your new car. You should also take into account your own personal style and taste. Another important aspect of car buying statistics is the amount of money you can spend on your new car. There are many resources that can help you determine the best price for the car you are considering.