Health insurance is a must, not only to make sure you are going to be safe and healthy but also to make sure that you are in compliance with current federal law. For those employers that have multiple employees, a health insurance broker can help you to get a list of health insurance companies that might work for your employees and for your particular needs. ACA health insurance rates do vary and making sure you have an agent or a broker that can teach you all about health insurance and about ACA exchange plans can help you understand what is going to work for you and what might not.
Health insurance is something that everyone needs and the right plan and the right information about group benefits and group plans can help you determine what is going to work for you, what is going to work for your employees, and what is going to work for your particular needs and what you are required to provide by law.
Group rates can be less expensive, they can help to offer your employees more benefits, and they can help to make sure you are in compliance with federal requirements.

In contrast to the healthcare system in place in the United States, the country of Canada has a medicare-for-all system in place that is paid for primarily with public monies like income taxes. That said, the healthcare services themselves are administered by private organizations. According to a survey given by Strategic Counsel, more than 90% of Canadian citizens like the healthcare they receive, as opposed to what they would receive in the States.
All that being said, supplemental employee benefit plans can be provided by companies in Canada to help subsidize certain healthcare costs. Unfortunately, a third of small businesses in the country don’t understand the advantages of having employee benefits services in place. And half of Canadian companies are worried about the extent of coverage provided under group health benefit plans.
For one thing, these group health benefit plans can help to improve the overall well-being and morale of employees. A happy and healthy employee is one who will likely be able to work more effectively and efficiently for the company she or he represents.
If you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions regarding health benefit plans specifically designed with small businesses in mind, be sure to make your thoughts known in the forum below.